American Restaurants

The Cowboy Grub

2350 1/2 Foothill Dr.
Salt Lake City , UT . 84109
801 466-8334

Authentic Western American Dining. An experience to remember.

Expecting an authentic Western American meal, then you're in for a treat because the Cowboy Grub definitely puts the "O" in ghetto. If the waitress hadn't been so rude we might have notice how nauseating the food was. Our meal was not only drown by hideous decor that should make you vomit before you get sick from the ill prepared food that is placed before you in hopes you can choke it down with out coming back up, but the rudeness and carelessness of the waitress made this dining experience a nightmare to remember. Unlike the overweight 60 year old purple spandex wearing concubine on State street, that makes you so sick you drive around the block to show everyone else in the car how hideous she really is, this place is will not keep you coming back... ever! Let this be a warning to you now, unless you have a thing for being treated like a leper with a scorching case of herpes and you enjoy a REALLY bad case of the green apple splatters, please do not go to the Cowboy Grub. Going to pay for this meal probably made us more sick than actually eating it. The poor cashier was not prepared for our candid honesty on what a horrible experience we had and the disgusting food, but to actually say next time we come back they'll comp our meal struck us more than hysterical. We can only hope they appreciate the infamous pickle man made from the condiments we left for them. – Funky - 2000.04.05


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